Transform Your Written Words into Captivating Audiobooks with AI

Experience the Future of Audiobook Creation with Speechki
Are you an author looking to give your readers a dynamic and immersive listening experience? Look no further!
Speechki is here to revolutionize your audiobook production process. Partnering with the trusted self-publishing platform, BookBaby.

We bring you an AI-powered solution that creates natural-sounding audiobooks from your text.

Use our built-in "Manuscripts"
feature to power your book with audio!

Unlock the Earning Potential of Your Audiobooks
New revenue stream
Expand your income opportunities by offering your content in audio format. Capture the attention of busy readers who prefer listening to books on-the-go.
Rapidly growing market
Audiobook sales have been consistently growing year over year. By creating an audiobook version of your work, you’ll gain access to this thriving market and reach more customers.
Increased visibility
Audiobooks can boost your overall book sales and visibility, as they appeal to a wider audience and can generate more reviews and recommendations.
"Giving back to the actors community we’re committed to help the audio market benefit from what we do"

The Speechki Team
Our Features
We provide a range of features that can help you turn your written content into captivating audiobooks with the help of AI
Our partnership ensures a smooth and hassle-free audiobook publishing experience, making it easier than ever to share your work with the world.
Seamless integration with BookBaby
Reach a wider audience by offering your audiobook in various languages and accents. With Speechki, the possibilities are endless.
Multiple languages and accents
Enjoy the benefits of professional audiobook creation without breaking the bank. Our competitive pricing makes it an affordable choice for authors.
Say goodbye to long production times. With Speechki, you’ll receive your audiobook in a fraction of the time it takes for traditional narrations.
Quick turnaround
Our cutting-edge technology generates human-like voices that engage listeners and bring your story to life.
High-quality AI narration
American accent
Travel Guide
Listen to the quality and versatility of our AI-generated voices:
And 1300+ more voices
available for you audiobook
Jason Fox
“I am extremely impressed and excited about the Audiobook product that was made! The product is of superior quality and I am so happy & grateful for the opportunity to have a product like that! With the superior quality of BookBaby’s printing which I am also extremely impressed with and the Audiobook outcome, I couldn’t be more satisfied. Thank you so much & now I just hope to sell copies in the future.”
Keith Baldwin
“What a great experience producing my FIRST audio book through BookBaby utilizing their AI program. SO COOL! I got to pick a voice from so many options. It is amazing how the process is done. It was easy and fast. I only had to make a few edits on some pronunciations. I would highly recommend.”
Edd Jordan
“I was very excited when BookBaby added the Audiobook option as an additional outlet for my first book, Relic Rupture. With dozens of voices to choose from, I found the one that represented my brand in a clear and accurate manner. After two proofreads for minor inflections and corrections, I had a quality product that I was proud to put my name on. I look forward to publishing my second book, Relic Rapture in the Audiobook format soon!”
Our Clients

Ready to create the perfect audiobook?

Sign Up and try it out for free. Make decision based on how natural the voices we're providing for your book
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